1234 North Avenue Luke Lane
Opening Time
- Monday - Friday 6:00 - 7:00 PM
- Saturday 9:00 am to 8:00 PM
- Sunday 10:00 - 9:00 PM
Trusted ENT Hospital
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content.
Working Hour
Monday to Friday
6:00 – 7:00 pm Saturday/Sunday
Closed Emergency 24 Hours
Briar Ford
CEO & Founder
- Treats minor illnesses
- Answers health questions
- Conducts health checkups
- Performs routine health tests
- Orthopaedic surgeon
- Endocrinologist
Providing Best ENT Treatments
Ear Treatment
Kivicare ENT provides medical evaluation and treatment for a variety of ear conditions.
Nose Treatment
Kivicare ENT provides medical evaluation and treatment for a variety of ear conditions.
Throat Treatment
Kivicare ENT provides medical evaluation and treatment for a variety of ear conditions.
Pioneer Treatment
Kivicare ENT provides medical evaluation and treatment for a variety of ear conditions.
Can I trust my tap water?
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything.
Is my microwave giving me cancer?
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything.
How long am I contagious when I have the flu or a cold?
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything.
How to book an appointment?
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything.
What is heart surgery?
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything.
Reason Why Choose Us
Kivicare is proud to be a leader and trusted provider of ENT services. For over 20 years, we have and continue to provide world class ENT/Otolaryngology services.
Why Choos us
Mediclaim Facilities
A policy provides coverage against medical expenses that one might incur. Individuals who have a cashless claim.
Stitch-less Surgery
Kivicare surgeons do eardrum hole surgeries using fascia from near the ear and stitching the hole with its patch with proper care.
Meet kivicare professionals doctors
Our Doctors
What Our Patients Says
“You can’t go wrong here. I receive the best care and attention. The nursing staff and doctors are amazing and take their time with you. I felt better walking out here every time.”
Moric Horgon
“Still very professional but a much more relaxed atmosphere. This makes for a more comfortable experience which is helpful in dealing with medical issues.”
Julia Roberts
“It has been very effective, in my opinion. It has made everyone more relaxed in a very comfortable atmosphere, staff and patients included. We have always felt like family here, even more so now.”
Jack leo
COO company
“You can’t go wrong here. I receive the best care and attention. The nursing staff and doctors are amazing and take their time with you. I felt better walking out here every time.”
Moric Horgon
“Still very professional but a much more relaxed atmosphere. This makes for a more comfortable experience which is helpful in dealing with medical issues.”
Julia Roberts
“It has been very effective, in my opinion. It has made everyone more relaxed in a very comfortable atmosphere, staff and patients included. We have always felt like family here, even more so now.”
Jack leo
COO company
“You can’t go wrong here. I receive the best care and attention. The nursing staff and doctors are amazing and take their time with you. I felt better walking out here every time.”
Moric Horgon
“Still very professional but a much more relaxed atmosphere. This makes for a more comfortable experience which is helpful in dealing with medical issues.”
Julia Roberts
“It has been very effective, in my opinion. It has made everyone more relaxed in a very comfortable atmosphere, staff and patients included. We have always felt like family here, even more so now.”
Jack leo
COO company
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慶鈺堂中醫診所 紫雲膏 適應症: 燒燙傷、擦傷、刀傷、 蚊蟲叮咬、皮膚乾燥脫屑、 皮膚皸裂、凍瘡、尿布疹等。 紫雲膏 成分:紫草、當歸、薄荷、冰片、欖欖油、蜂蠟 注意事項: * G6PD蠶豆症不可用。 * 使用前可用乾淨冷開水擦淨皮膚,塗抹前記得將皮膚上的水漬擦乾即可; * 紫雲膏主要成分均是可服用的藥物,不用擔心誤食; * 紫雲膏為純中藥製成,溫和不刺激,無副作用,因此每天塗抹次數不限; * 紫雲膏遇熱易融,外出攜帶注意保存。 功效: 殺菌、抑菌,滋潤皮膚。 可用於輕微火傷、凍傷、痔、外傷、濕疹、輕度細菌感染、輕度真菌感染。用法: 先以少量於手肘或其他地方測試是否過敏, 無過敏反應則取適量外塗患處 。
慶鈺堂中醫診所 紫雲膏 適應症: 燒燙傷、擦傷、刀傷、 蚊蟲叮咬、皮膚乾燥脫屑、 皮膚皸裂、凍瘡、尿布疹等。 紫雲膏 成分:紫草、當歸、薄荷、冰片、欖欖油、蜂蠟 注意事項: * G6PD蠶豆症不可用。 * 使用前可用乾淨冷開水擦淨皮膚,塗抹前記得將皮膚上的水漬擦乾即可; * 紫雲膏主要成分均是可服用的藥物,不用擔心誤食; * 紫雲膏為純中藥製成,溫和不刺激,無副作用,因此每天塗抹次數不限; * 紫雲膏遇熱易融,外出攜帶注意保存。 功效: 殺菌、抑菌,滋潤皮膚。 可用於輕微火傷、凍傷、痔、外傷、濕疹、輕度細菌感染、輕度真菌感染。用法: 先以少量於手肘或其他地方測試是否過敏, 無過敏反應則取適量外塗患處 。
慶鈺堂中醫診所 紫雲膏 適應症: 燒燙傷、擦傷、刀傷、 蚊蟲叮咬、皮膚乾燥脫屑、 皮膚皸裂、凍瘡、尿布疹等。 紫雲膏 成分:紫草、當歸、薄荷、冰片、欖欖油、蜂蠟 注意事項: * G6PD蠶豆症不可用。 * 使用前可用乾淨冷開水擦淨皮膚,塗抹前記得將皮膚上的水漬擦乾即可; * 紫雲膏主要成分均是可服用的藥物,不用擔心誤食; * 紫雲膏為純中藥製成,溫和不刺激,無副作用,因此每天塗抹次數不限; * 紫雲膏遇熱易融,外出攜帶注意保存。 功效: 殺菌、抑菌,滋潤皮膚。 可用於輕微火傷、凍傷、痔、外傷、濕疹、輕度細菌感染、輕度真菌感染。用法: 先以少量於手肘或其他地方測試是否過敏, 無過敏反應則取適量外塗患處 。
慶鈺堂中醫診所 紫雲膏 適應症: 燒燙傷、擦傷、刀傷、 蚊蟲叮咬、皮膚乾燥脫屑、 皮膚皸裂、凍瘡、尿布疹等。 紫雲膏 成分:紫草、當歸、薄荷、冰片、欖欖油、蜂蠟 注意事項: * G6PD蠶豆症不可用。 * 使用前可用乾淨冷開水擦淨皮膚,塗抹前記得將皮膚上的水漬擦乾即可; * 紫雲膏主要成分均是可服用的藥物,不用擔心誤食; * 紫雲膏為純中藥製成,溫和不刺激,無副作用,因此每天塗抹次數不限; * 紫雲膏遇熱易融,外出攜帶注意保存。 功效: 殺菌、抑菌,滋潤皮膚。 可用於輕微火傷、凍傷、痔、外傷、濕疹、輕度細菌感染、輕度真菌感染。用法: 先以少量於手肘或其他地方測試是否過敏, 無過敏反應則取適量外塗患處 。